Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Aim of Life!!

Yeah!! I m haunted by the same question as many of us. May be not in the way i have felt it, but in some way or the other all of us have gone through this way of questioning our AIM in life, work, and basically existence in this world!

From what i see and perceive, this question has a lot to ask and a plethora of answers to be means different for each of us. the aim might be the same - the pursuit of happyness as i see it However ,  the ways and forms in which we all pursue it are different altogether.
Then what is Right?

haha i can only laugh at that,  because right and wrong are too superfluous words in our life.
What would you say is Right?  When you aim for something, when  you believe in something its obviously right to you, may not be right FOR you , but seems right to you.
So who decides?


I see this YOU as someone who is brave enough to think independently, decide what he/she believe in regardless of the fact what the rat race is all about! The aim of life is all about YOU!
what you want from it?
what you make of it?

For a business man, if money is everything, he will make money no matter what. Where does your right and wrong go? Its his aim to aspire for monetary gains.
A labour workers aim is to feed his/ her children better, have a income everyday to ensure food at home.

Our aims are different and so are we. life is what happens when we are living with numerous of YOU working toward the AIM in life. We clash .We aim for new things .....but my question is what is that all of us want?? Money cant buy you everything, nor does the lack of it provides a solution in real life. so what is that counts?


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